(Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution)


  • Obiettivo

    Questo corso sviluppa le competenze necessarie per conseguire la certificazione internazionale in logistica "Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD)" dell'APICS, la maggiore organizzazione globale in operations e supply chain.

  • Benefici

    Adottare standard e protocolli in ambito logistica distributiva diventa importante per distinguersi, grazie ad un approccio metodologico, ed essere riconosciuti come esperti nella materia, in modo da proporre e realizzare le giuste soluzioni, così come professionisti certificati CLTD già dimostrano dal 2016.



  • Objective
  • This course develops the skills to get the international certification “Certified in Logistics, Transportation and Distribution (CLTD)” by APICS, the global leader in supply chain certifications.
  • Benefits
    Adopting standard and best practices in logistics management is key to stand out from the crowd with a methodological approach, and be recognized as experts in the field, in order to advice and apply the right solutions, as many professionals CLTD certified demonstrate since 2016.


Luogo del corso/place: live online

Date di avvio/Starting dates - current year:







Orario / Time:  Dalle 18.00 alle 21.00 - From 6.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. (Rome time GMT+1)

Numero totale sessioni /Number of sessions: 12

Altre sessioni: ogni lunedi successivo con sessioni di durata di 3 ore ciascuna / Other sessions: every next monday with each session of a 3-hour duration.

Durata totale/Total duration: 36 ore / 36 hours

Il corso è erogabile in italiano, inglese o francese/ The course can be held in italian, french or english.

Oltre il corso, sono necessarie almeno  80 ore di studio individuale per prepararsi all'esame / Beyond the course, at least additional 80 hour of self study are necessary to do the exam.



Module 1: Logistics Overview and Strategy

  • Outlining the principles that make logistics useful, including economic drivers
  • Understanding how logistics fits within supply chain management
  • Managing logistics strategy, including the logistics value proposition
  • Developing flexible logistics frameworks and collaborative relationships
  • Exploring strategic-level risk management
  • Using fundamental performance measurements and benchmarking
  • Implementing reengineering and continuous improvement philosophies

Module 2: Logistics Network Design

  • Implementing a logistics network design process
  • Considering transportation requirements driving logistics network plans
  • Using tools and analyses to select node patterns and links
  • Adopting risk management
  • Planning for network security and business continuity

Module 3: Sustainability and Reverse Logistics

  • Understanding how logistics plays a key role in demonstrating organizational social responsibility
  • Managing the triple bottom line, including carbon footprint reductions and green initiatives
  • Selecting vendors based on sustainable practices
  • Demonstrating responsibility when handling and managing hazardous and dangerous materials

 Module 4: Capacity Planning and Demand Management

  • Understanding the basics of forecasting including various types of forecasts
  • Shaping demand for logistics services
  • Translating demand information into planning for transportation and warehousing capacity
  • Providing input during S&OP and participating in collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment
  • Planning for distribution requirements
  • Managing supply, including ERP master scheduling
  • Developing a process and selecting a purchasing strategy

 Module 5: Order Management

  • Performing customer relationship management during order management activities
  • Implementing CRM to strengthen relationships
  • Meeting customer needs
  • Achieving service levels according to customer demand
  • Managing the process steps and logistics decision points of inbound, intracompany, and outbound order management

Module 6: Inventory Management

  • Understanding inventory management, planning, and control
  • Contrasting stakeholder expectations for inventory management
  • Summarizing the different functions or purposes inventory serves in a business
  • Illustrating the major types of inventory costs
  • Differentiating approaches to safety stock and determinations of when to order
  • Performing calculations related to standard deviation, economic order quantity, and reorder points
  • Describing lean, just-in-time, ABC, vendor-managed inventory and other alternative approaches
  • Listing common performance metrics

Module 7: Warehouse Management

  • Understanding warehousing strategies and determining which to use
  • Considering physical aspects and tactics related to warehousing design
  • Exploring warehousing challenges and trends
  • Summarizing warehouse ownership types and functions
  • Determining warehouse operations performance measures
  • Diving deep into warehouse processes, layouts, materials handling, systems and automation, and packaging

Module 8: Transportation

  • Outlining transportation fundamentals including cost structure, stakeholders, capabilities, carrier types, mode classifications, and selection considerations
  • Diving deep into the modes of transportation including road, rail, air, water, pipeline, intermodal, and parcel/courier
  • Managing transportation according to guiding principles
  • Considering tradeoffs when designing transportation networks, selecting carriers and modes, and planning routes and schedules

Module 9: Global Logistics Considerations

  • Examining current factors in the global logistics space
  • Staying competitive while balancing cost and level of service
  • Exploring the history of international trade theories and infrastructure
  • Discussing global logistics performance indicators and trade specialists
  • Complying with international trade regulations
  • Preparing customs documentation
  • Discussing finance, payment options, terms of sale, payment methods, currency issues, trade zones, and hedging

Il materiale didattico e l'esame APICS per ottenere la certificazione sono in inglese. / The course material and the APICS exam are in english.


Giuseppe Lovecchio is APICS Master Instructor, Subject Matter Expert, part of the ASCM Subcommitte updating CSCP and CLTD learning systems, and of the ASCM technical contributors team, updating SCOR to SCOR DS

Demand Driven Endorsed Instructor


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