• LEAN programs proposed by Lovecchio Consulting are capable of establishing and effectively consolidating the lean thinking in any industry, with a systemic approach and in a short timeframe .

    The ultimate goal is to create greater value for end customers, and therefore make your company more competitive, reducing all types of waste (visible and and above all hidden).

    Processes become easier, faster and leaner, generating more cash flow otherwise locked in unnecessary or excess inventories, queues and waiting time, space underutilized  on activities that bring little benefit.

    The program starts from from lean leadership and transformation workshops done together with executives in order to consolidate a robust lean culture. Afterwards, involvement and active participation of the employees, strongly supported  by top management, becomes a natural consequence, so resources are fully involved in a process with increasing empowerement.

    We adopt a scientific and methodical approach coming from 25+ years of global experience: in three  months you can already get the first practical and visible results.

    Starting from the strategic business objectives, we analyse the value chain and then we work together with the customer  on areas and processes that are "bottlenecks", also applying one-week kaizen events  (called "kaizen blitz"), etc.

    Kaizen blitz are innovative methods that allow a full time team, of about 10 people, to get visible et tangible results in areas.

    The average goals refer to the "30 %" rule:

    • 30 % reduction in lead time;

    • 30 % reduction in space and stocks.

    Furthermore, an average increase of 10 % in productivity is feasible. Different kaizen events has been done in some European industrial sites (France, UK, Italy) since ‘90s.


    • More competitive approach
    • More motivated people
    • Reduced waste
    • Increased customer service
    • Reduced lead times


    If you are interested, please contact us at info@lovecchioconsulting.it or from the page Contact Us!